To understand the basic counselling skills required for an Effective Counsellor.
Duration of course
40 Hrs
Teaching hours
1 hour per week
Module 1: Introduction
Counsellors and helpers; basic counselling skills; helpers and clients as diverse persons; helping relationships and helping process.
Module 2: Specific counselling skills
Understanding the internal frame of reference; showing attention and interest; paraphrasing and reflecting feelings; starting, structuring and summarizing; asking questions; monitoring; offering challenges and feedback; self-disclosing; managing resistance and making referrals; facilitating problem-solving; coaching, demonstrating and rehearsing; training clients in relaxation; improving clients’ self- talk; improving clients’ rules; improving clients’ perceptions; negotiating homework; conducting middle sessions; terminating helping.
Module 3: Further considerations
Ethical issues and dilemmas; multicultural and gender-aware helping; getting support and being supervised; becoming more skilled.