Mount Carmel College, Karukadom is a non-profit motive self financing institution under the management of Carmel Nivas Society, Karukadom attached to the O. Carm. Fathers, a religious congregation of the Catholic hierarchy, head quartered in Rome. It had been established in 2012 with the prime objective of providing quality higher education to the promising youngsters of our country, without any social discrimination. At the same time, the College management is fully aware of the social and economic disparities that exit in the country. Therefore, the College is sensitive to the economic hardships that the students are subjected to. To address such problems, the College introduces certain schemes by which students of different strata get financial assistance in the form of scholarships and freeships of varying nature.


Carmelite Educational Scholarships

Under the scheme Carmelite Educational Scholarships, a limited number of scholarships will be made available to the students who obtain admission in the College with higher marks in the qualifying examinations. The intention of the scheme is to promote the learning levels of students who pursue their studies at Mount Carmel College, Karukadom. The scheme is governed by the following guidelines.

  1. This scholarship scheme comes into effect with the admission process of academic year 2020-2021.
  2. The scheme covers both UG and PG programs.
  3. The eligibility criterion for scholarships is merit cum means.
  4. The scheme applies to the students admitted in the college w.e.f. academic year 2020-2021, irrespective of the quota of admission.
  5. The number of scholarships available in each programme is limited (i.e., UG-08; PG-04).
  6. The candidates for the scholarships should have obtained minimum 75% marks in the respective qualifying examination in the case of UG programmes and 70% marks in the case of PG programmes.
  7. The annual family income of the student concerned shall not exceed Rs. 200000.
  8. The selection for the scholarship will be done on the basis of application submitted by the student in the prescribed format, when called for.
  9. The selection will be done by a committee constituted for the purpose.
  10. The amount of the scholarship will not be less than Rs. 2000/- in each semester. (The actual amount varies in accordance with the prevailing interest rates.)
  11. The scholarships will be distributed in a public function, arranged for the purpose in each semester.
  12. The continuance of the scholarships to the succeeding semesters will be subject to an assessment by the scholarship committee, primarily on the basis of progress in studies, good conduct and character of the student concerned.
  13. In case the scholarship awardee discontinues his/her studies, he/she is bound to refund the entire amount received, prior to obtaining the Transfer Certificate.

ounted amount, prior to obtaining the Transfer Certificate.

Feedback Policy

Mount Carmel College, Karukadom was established by Carmelite Fathers to provide quality education to the emerging youngsters of the region. The institution believes that good education is the inalienable right of every teenager. It can be provided only by constantly interacting with different stakeholders of the institution. Therefore, the institution makes earnest efforts to collect responses from different stakeholders on the curriculum followed, as it is one of the effective ways to ensure quality enhancement. The feedback mechanism of the college is a multi-staged process that includes the participation of students, teachers, alumni, parents and employers.

Objectives of the Feedback Mechanism

  1. To assess whether the curriculum followed in the institution is relevant to the emerging global scenario.
  2. To ascertain the objective evaluation of the stakeholders regarding curriculum and effect necessary changes.

Feedback Committee

The feedback committee is vested with the responsibility of overseeing the feedback process in the institution. The committee is responsible for preparing and distributing the questionnaires, analyse them and prepare the report. The Committee acts as an advisory body to the College Council on the curricular aspects.

Feedback Process

The feedback is collected from the stakeholders through structured questionnaires. The questionnaires are distributed among randomly selected students, teachers, parents, alumni and employers at the end of each academic year. The collected feedback forms are analysed by the Feedback Committee constituted in the college and a report is prepared. The feedback report is discussed in the IQAC and College Council and corrective measures, if needed, are taken. If the situation warrants intervention from the University, the suggestions will be forwarded to the University for necessary actions.


To automate all the various operations in an integrated manner so as to enable transparency and clarity in different functionalities pertaining to teaching- Learning(Academic), Administration, Examinations, Finance & Accounting and Admissions wing.


In this direction, a few vendors/service providers of ERP software were called and quotations were invited as per recommendation of technical wing of the institution. According as the direction of the Governing council, suitable ERP has been deployed and put into appropriate use. Required training has been given for teaching and non-teaching fraternity of the college with a view to get optimal benefits from the software and to ensure better connectivity with the stakeholders.

The ERP software currently in use are:

  1. AES EX+-Academic Enterprise Solution

The college website is put into full use as a vital information source to all stakeholders. Frequent updating of the website is ensured and all important communications are made available in the website to ensure the reach of information to the needy any time anywhere.

SMS feature has been put into maximum use to stay connected with parents, students and staff for the purpose of intimating absentees, academic performance, holidays and other required information.

The college offers students a suitable mechanism for resolving their complaints as part of our ongoing efforts to promote transparency in all activities at various stages. All complaints that are directly related to the frequent issues at the institute level, both academically and administratively, will be handled by this committee. The member who feels unfairly treated must present their petition to the HOD, who may then refer it to the Grievance Redressal Committee if it has been resolved. The Grievance Redressal Committee will make an effort to communicate its recommendations to the Principal for further action after receiving a petition. The Grievance Redressal Committee would advise the Principal or Disciplinary Authority to take appropriate action against the complainant in cases of false and frivolous complaints (if proven).

Grievance Redressal Process

This cell was created with the intention of giving students a simple, easily accessible tool for rapid resolution of their daily complaints.

The following is the procedure for resolving student grievances:

First stage (Department level):

The HoD in the department receives the grievance expressed by the offended student in writing or in person, and it is acknowledged.

 Second stage (Grievance Redressal Committee):

The student may ask the HoD to send their complaint to the established grievance redressal committee if they are not satisfied. The Principal will receive the committee’s recommendation and take appropriate action.

Third stage (Academic and College Council Committee):

If the student is not pleased, he or she may ask the grievance committee to forward their complaint to the Academic and College Council Committee, which is made up of the following individuals.

  1. Concerned department head
  2. Members of the College Council
  3. Principal

The above-mentioned committee will address the problem or complaint, and within 15 days, the suggestions will be sent to the concerned student.

Aims and Objectives

The research policy aims to create and support a research culture among its staff and students and leverage it for enriching and enhancing the professional competence by:

  1. Developing and promoting scientific temper and research aptitudes of all learners
  2. Realising the vision and mission of the college and facilitating their participation in research and related activities
  3. Providing the required resources and appropriate facilities for smooth conduct of Research
  4. Strengthen the institutional capacity for planning, budgeting and control all the research activities of the college
  5. Fostering socially relevant research.
  6. Developing rules, procedures and guidelines for granting research support, instituting awards, and supporting all other research related activities
  7. Guiding faculty members in the effective integration of research projects with the regular curriculum implementation and enrichment activities
  8. Identifying, collaborating and establishing linkages including MOUs with National/International/Govt/ Non-Govt/ Industry/ Research organizations and Local agencies to benefit from the activities and programmes conducted by those organisations for widening the scope of the research opportunities, obtaining sponsorships and funding options available.
  9. Compiling data on all the research work/projects undertaken by the teachers and students in to a database for easy monitoring and analysis of the progress being made by them from year to year.
  10. Drawing and adopting a research code, which informs all researchers about the ethical and legal norms and principles to be followed in the conduct of research.
  11. Preparing and implement a research quality assurance mechanism for ensuring that all research activities of the college conform to standard quality specifications

 Scope of the Research Policy

This policy shall apply to all the researchers of the college and for the purpose of this policy ‘researchers’ are defined to include .

  • All staff, temporary and permanent, who are active in teaching and research in the college;
  • All students registered with the college;

This policy shall apply to all the research and related activities of the college and for the purpose of this policy research and related activities will include

  1. Research activities including basic and applied research undertaken for fulfilling the requirements of academic degrees
  2. Scholarly activities intended to expand knowledge boundaries by analysis, synthesis and interpretation of ideas and information by making use of rigorous methodologies
  3. Knowledge compilation for academic developments in any knowledge domain such as writing of textbooks, chapters of textbooks or developing /updating curriculum, etc.
  4. Research projects of students undertaken as part of the curriculum or for enriching it