Mount Carmel College campus is your second home. Apart from your parents, the teachers are most concerned about your future. We expect you to do your best to preserve the calm academic atmosphere of the campus.

Every member of the College should carefully note the following rules and accepted traditions and try to respect them both in letter and spirit.

  1. All students of the College shall behave always and everywhere with respect to God and love for the country. They shall pay special attention to good manners, gentle behaviour, modest dress, order and cleanliness and shall do everything to maintain the dignity of the human person and the good name of the institution. They shall respectfully follow the instructions issued by the Principal and other competent authorities, from time to time.
  2. All students are expected to wear the identity card issued by the institution and the prescribed uniform as long as they are on the campus. No student will be permitted to attend the classes / exams / functions in the college or visit the office without wearing identity card and uniform.
  3. All students are expected to remit the prescribed fee in the college office at the time of admission and within 15 days from the commencement of classes during the subsequent semesters. A student who fails to remit the fees within 15 days from the commencement of classes will be removed from the rolls of the institution. In any case, fee defaulters will not be allowed to register for the University examinations.

4     Fee once paid will not be refunded.

  1. A student is expected to earn a minimum of 75% attendance to make himself / herself eligible for the University examinations. Anyone who does not secure the prescribed minimum attendance will not be allowed to appear for the examination.
  2. Internal examinations/model examinations/seminars/assignments/other academic activities are compulsory for each student.
  3. It is the duty of the student to present his/her parent at the PTA meetings convened from time to time, to evaluate the progress and conduct of students.
  4. Each class will be entrusted to a Class Teacher. Besides, students will also be divided into groups and entrusted to the care of a tutor / mentor.
  5. Students shall greet teachers within the College premises, as also when they meet them in public.
  6. The first bell is rung 10 minutes before the commencement of each session, the 2nd bell 5 minutes before, and the third bell at the moment for commencement. By the second bell all students will occupy their seats in the class room. At the third bell in the morning all students and members of the staff will stand up and join the College Prayer. At the end of both the forenoon and afternoon sessions there are two bells.
  7. Students shall be punctual and earnest in attending classes and other academic, co-curricular and extra curricular activities.
  8. Students who happen to have no classes are not to loiter around during class hours; they must be in the Library. Outside class hours and Library hours, girl students must always remain in the waiting rooms.
  9. Students shall prudently avoid bad company which leads to failure in study, character and life.
  10. Students shall not enter class room other than theirs.
  11. Lingering on the College roads, the courtyard and the corridors is to be meticulously avoided in order to enable free passage and smooth functioning of the college. Ill-mannered noise-making in the college premises is to be avoided.
  12. The campus is plastic free. Plastic meterials like glasses, plates etc. are not permitted in the campus.
  13. No member shall throw any waste material on the floor or ground, but shall drop them in the waste baskets and bins provided for the purpose.
  14. Consumption of liquor and other narcotics are banned in the campus and will invite disciplinary action.
  15. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against students bringing outsiders to the college campus without prior permission of the Principal.
  16. Students shall not collect money for any purpose from any other student or person in public without the permission of the Principal.
  17. Students are not allowed to bring or use mobile phones in the campus. Teachers can impound such mobile phones in case of violation.
  18. Students are not allowed to address themselves as a group before any college authority. Such action is subversive of orderly academic life.
  19. No student shall enter or leave a class without the permission of the teacher. Students should submit Leave Application to the Class Teacher when they absent themselves for a day or more.
  20. No information may be submitted for publication in News papers, Magazines, Journals or other media in the name of the college without the permission of the Principal.
  21. Students indulging in and involving themselves in any kind of political activity in the college campus are liable to be punished.
  22. Students are forbidden to organize or attend any meeting in the college campus, circulate any notice or petition of any kind, display posters, banners or boards, use megaphone / loudspeaker and paste or write anything in the college campus and premises without the permission of the Principal. No student, on any account, shall make chalk or pencil mark or drawing on walls and furniture.
  23. No student of the college shall stage or indulge in any activity like dharna, gherao and obstruct entry to the college campus, class rooms, office or other places inside the campus. This shall be treated as misconduct.
  24. No student shall shout slogans inside the campus, class rooms and verandah and disrupt the classes in the college campus.Strict disciplinary action will be taken against students violating this regulation as per Orders issued by the M.G. University (No. 162/2004/2/Elen dated 16-2-2005).
  25. Any student who is persistently insubordinate, who is repeatedly or wilfully mischievous, who is guilty of fraud or malpractice in connection with examinations or who, in the opinion of the Principal, is likely to have an unwholesome influence on his fellow students, shall be removed from the rolls. The removal shall be either temporary or permanent according to the gravity of the offence.
  26. For unbecoming activities and serious offences, punishment may range from heavy fines, to suspension from the college, and in extreme incorrigible cases expulsion from the college. Any destruction to properties will be compensated from the student. If the culprit could not be identified, a common fine will be levied.
  27. All the members are welcome individually to bring to the notice of the Principal / Grievance Redress Cell, in the right spirit, any reasonable grievance or difficulty they might have.

32.       The Principal is the ultimate disciplinary authority on the campus.