The college offers students a suitable mechanism for resolving their complaints as part of our ongoing efforts to promote transparency in all activities at various stages. All complaints that are directly related to the frequent issues at the institute level, both academically and administratively, will be handled by this committee. The member who feels unfairly treated must present their petition to the HOD, who may then refer it to the Grievance Redressal Committee if it has been resolved. The Grievance Redressal Committee will make an effort to communicate its recommendations to the Principal for further action after receiving a petition. The Grievance Redressal Committee would advise the Principal or Disciplinary Authority to take appropriate action against the complainant in cases of false and frivolous complaints (if proven).


Grievance Redressal Process


This cell was created with the intention of giving students a simple, easily accessible tool for rapid resolution of their daily complaints.


The following is the procedure for resolving student grievances:


First stage (Department level):


The HoD in the department receives the grievance expressed by the offended student in writing or in person, and it is acknowledged.


 Second stage (Grievance Redressal Committee):


The student may ask the HoD to send their complaint to the established grievance redressal committee if they are not satisfied. The Principal will receive the committee’s recommendation and take appropriate action.


Third stage (Academic and College Council Committee):


If the student is not pleased, he or she may ask the grievance committee to forward their complaint to the Academic and College Council Committee, which is made up of the following individuals.


    1. Concerned department head
    2. Members of the College Council
    3. Principal


The above-mentioned committee will address the problem or complaint, and within 15 days, the suggestions will be sent to the concerned student.