Majority of the students of Mount Carmel College hail from rural area. The college plays pivotal role in uplifting the interest of such students who would otherwise have been left unnoticed and unsupported in the remote underdeveloped localities. Through admitting such students, the college empowers the rural public whose development contributes to the national progress.
The institution is a salad bowl of multiplicities. The student population includes people from rural, urban and semi-urban areas, and they belong to different caste, class, creed, religion and culture. The mixed population of Mount Carmel College depicts the minuscule India.
The motto of the college is ‘Wisdom Liberates’ .True to this vision, the institution is committed to mould socially useful citizens with academic excellence and integrity of character. The visionary leaders of the college were guided by the firm conviction that those who get educated in Mount Carmel College, should not fail in their personal and professional life. With this vision the College provides a congenial atmosphere for the integral development of human personality.

The college offers a vibrant student life on the campus. A variety of programmes are being carried out by various clubs and forums on the campus. The students themselves manage all extracurricular activities on the campus MCC Radio’ is one activity which imparts knowledge and entertainment to the entire College community on a daily basis.
The One day One word’ is another scheme through which all students of the college pick up atleast one new word.
The much appreciated ‘Academic Performance Enhancement Programme’ is a daily knowledge testing system, which has turned out to be highly beneficial to the students.
‘MCC Stars’ is a collectivity of the best brains of the college which are given special encouragement to pursue their goals in life.
The students of each department publish department magazines whereby the literary and creative talents of students are showcased. Annual sports and cultural events are being organised on the campus. The festivities of Onam and Christmas celebrations add colour to the campus life.

There is a very active Student Council on the campus. The members of the student council are elected through a well-established democratic process. Students are given due representation in important functional bodies like IQAC. Major decisions pertaining to student life are taken only after due deliberations in appropriate bodies. Career guidance and placement drives are effectively co-ordinated by the Placement Cell. Coaching classes for competitive examinations are effectively carried out.
The college has devised a scholarship scheme, called ‘Carmelite Educational Scholarship’ whereby a good number of students are given scholarships/freeships on merit cum means basis. The college management is so considerate to the welfare of the students.
The institution is proud of its unblemished progression year after year in imparting knowledge with integrity of character.