Feedback Policy

Mount Carmel College, Karukadom was established by Carmelite Fathers to provide quality education to the emerging youngsters of the region. The institution believes that good education is the inalienable right of every teenager. It can be provided only by constantly interacting with different stakeholders of the institution. Therefore, the institution makes earnest efforts to collect responses from different stakeholders on the curriculum followed, as it is one of the effective ways to ensure quality enhancement. The feedback mechanism of the college is a multi-staged process that includes the participation of students, teachers, alumni, parents and employers.

Objectives of the Feedback Mechanism

  1. To assess whether the curriculum followed in the institution is relevant to the emerging global scenario.
  2. To ascertain the objective evaluation of the stakeholders regarding curriculum and effect necessary changes.

Feedback Committee

The feedback committee is vested with the responsibility of overseeing the feedback process in the institution. The committee is responsible for preparing and distributing the questionnaires, analyse them and prepare the report. The Committee acts as an advisory body to the College Council on the curricular aspects.

Feedback Process

The feedback is collected from the stakeholders through structured questionnaires. The questionnaires are distributed among randomly selected students, teachers, parents, alumni and employers at the end of each academic year. The collected feedback forms are analysed by the Feedback Committee constituted in the college and a report is prepared. The feedback report is discussed in the IQAC and College Council and corrective measures, if needed, are taken. If the situation warrants intervention from the University, the suggestions will be forwarded to the University for necessary actions.