Mount Carmel College collects both formal and informal feedback from students and utilized it in improving the student experience in the institution in several ways.


    1. Student feedback on teachers is collected semester wise and teachers are given a consolidated report of the same. Teachers also collect feedback on classes informally
    2. Services which included seeking suggestions. The complaints and suggestions are forwarded to the Principal for suitable action and many corrective measures will be taken wherever possible
    3. Students may drop their feedback, problems, or grievances in general. suggestion box and the concerned authorities aid in resolving the issue.
    4. College has a separate examination grievance redressal cell, a malpractice committee, an admission grievance cell, an anti-sexual-harassment cell, and an anti-ragging cell. The details of the committee members are available on the website and in the college handbook.
    5. The student grievance redressal cell has been functioning for several years. Faculty members of the cell.
    6. Students can express their grievances in writing to the members who convene a meeting to address the issue. A complaint box is kept to receive grievances if any.
      Students also meet their mentors and counselors and get their problems addressed, separately first and then together, if required


Powers of the committee


    1. The committee shall have the power to summon witnesses and call for documents or any information from any student
    2. If the committee has the reason to believe that a student is capable of furnishing relevant documents or information if it may direct such person to produce such documents or information by serving a notice in writing on that person, summoning the person, or calling for such documents or information at such place and within such time may be specified in the written notice.
    3. Where any relevant document or information is recorded or stored by means of a mechanical, electronic, or other device, the committee shall have the power to direct the same in writing to be produced.
    4. The committee shall have the power to recommend the action to be taken against any person found guilty
      a. Sexually harassing the complainant
      b. Retaliating against/victimizing the complainant or any other person before it and
      c. Making false charges of sexual harassment against the accused person.
      Functions of the committee


Preventive steps


    1. To facilitate a safe environment that is free of sexual harassment.
    2. To provide behaviors that create an atmosphere that ensures gender equality and equal opportunities.
      Remedial steps
    3. To ensure that the mechanism for registering complaints is safe, accessible, and sensitive.
    4. To take cognizance of complaints about sexual harassment, conduct inquiries, provide assistance and redressal to the victims and take action against the harasser, if necessary.


Ms. Shini George( Convener)
Ms. Rigi M Jacob
Ms. Sofi Nazar
Student Representative




Annual Report 2021- 2022


Annual Report 2020- 2021


Annual Report 2019- 2020


Annual Report 2018- 2019


Annual Report 2017- 2018





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